Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Hey all! Just a quick piece of informative news that's crossed my screen in the past 24 hours; Xbox One fans are going to love this. Microsoft and Sony have announced that the Xbox One will now feature the Blu-Ray capability. So for all those Xbox 360 players who have a Blu-Ray system on the side, you can  now join the two into the one piece of hardware. This does come as a surprise but it is a logical step for Microsoft as it levels the playing field that little bit more for them in the catch up to Sony. Microsoft won't lose out a great deal in terms of money as the implementation of Blu-Ray software into the Xbox One is a relatively low budget ordeal, hence Sony won't be making a tonne of money but still enough to help further the company. It just go to show that for all that hard work Sony did releasing the Blu-Ray system so many years ago that it's finally starting to pay off for them. Blu-Ray is a remarkable piece of hardware and as we're seeing the steady decline of DVD's (until those crazy laser DVD's that hold terabyte's be released, seriously look it up!) it's the only logical step forward for video game companies and producers.

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