Sunday, 21 July 2013


So already we've established Skyrim has cemented its place in history, but what gives it that 'edge' in video gaming that elevates it above the rest? Well for me and I think a lot of gamers will agree, it's the huge level of customisation and that fact that just about any person can pick up the game learn its mechanics quite easily. Something that plagued Oblivion and previous titles was level of difficulty and the gameplay mechanics, this in turn isolated a lot of the gaming market so that only the hardcore gamers and fans picked up a copy. With Skyrim, Bethesda have managed to find that happy medium that appeals to all levels of gamers and while some of the hardcore audience might not appreciate this I feel that in the long run this newer style will benefit the Elder Scrolls series. The user interface and method of gameplay all blend together to make a very smooth experience. I simply cannot wait to see what Bethesda decide to do with Elder Scrolls VI, with next generation consoles around the corner and the huge modding community within the PC realm it's certain that the next installment will have everything we love and so much more. So let's dig into the nitty gritty and what makes Skyrim really shine; the gameplay!

Swords, maces, battle axes, bows, magic the list goes on, there is so much content in Skyrim it's mind boggling. Throughout Skyrim you can obtain multiple weapons of varying design each with their own strengths, weaknesses and magic abilities (if they have them). As well as weapons you also have armour and shields, again each with their own styles and designs, naturally many gamers already know this but for those who aren't familiar with this kind of game then this is what you can hope to expect. The shear level of customisation is crazy with every play through being different if you choose to make it so. Over the course of my Skyrim obsessed life I've been an Argonian Battle-master (a lizard creature with heavy weapons capabilities), a Redguard Mage (a desert dweller with magic abilities)...and the list goes on and on. You have a variety of other races including Elves, Imperials, Khajiits, Nords and many more each with their own special abilities, techniques and weaknesses. Weapons can be infused with magical abilities such as electricity, fire and more interesting spells such as soul trapping; capturing souls allows you to then further improve your magical weapons. The great thing about skyrim is that you can tailor the challenge to suit you, you can go full force with magic or weapons, use stealth and arrows from afar and so much more, it's a great experience that rewards the player appropriately.

By now you can probably clearly make out that I love Skyrim and praise it for its replay value, user interface and level of depth, so there's not too much more I can really shed light on without spoiling the main story. Quickly jumping back to the land of Tamriel itself, something that makes the Elder Scrolls series stand out amongst is the amount of back story and lore that the world is steeped in. Every installment of the Elder Scrolls has taken part in a different county of Tamriel, this makes for great variety as the lands and towns people will differ every game allowing for new a rich content to learn. Cyrodiil resides in the centre of Tamriel as the capital of all the lands, home of the Imperial Legion. To the east lies Morrowind home to the Dunmer (Dark Elves) and the island Vvardenfell in which lies the great Red Mountain. South of this is the Black Marsh a huge mostly uncharted region home to the lizard like creatures, the Argonians. South lies Elsweyr, a mixture of badlands and sub-tropical lands home to the cat-like Khajiits. Down in the south-west is Valenwood, home to the Bosmer who inhabit this large forest / tropical swamp-like region, off its coast are the Summerset Isles. The Aldmer once inhabited this beautiful land and were the first decedents of Tamriel, but during Merethic Era long ago they have since disappeared. Lastly to the north-west lies Hammerfell, home to the Redguards and High Rock, well know for its Breton inhabitants. Both places are rather rugged with Hammerfell being home to the Alik'r Desert.

Tamriel is colossal land with heaps happening and Skyrim is no exception. There is so much to be done that to fully complete Skyrim would take up a vast amount of your life. I hope to one day discover all its secrets but time does fly very quickly and for Skyrim you need a bit of time up your sleeves. Below is a link to the Elder Scrolls Wiki, a great source of information for those interested in the lore and culture of Tamriel. I hope you've all enjoyed this lengthy review and endeavour to dive head first into this life changing game!

Genre: Action / Adventure Fantasy
Platforms: PC, PS3 & 360
Score: 9.6 / 10

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